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Core Values

    At BaeBlu our core values are simple. 
    • One Raindrop Raises the Sea: Every good deed, no matter how small, creates a ripple effect and makes a difference. Do one good deed a day and watch the world change for the better.
    • Be Fun, Free, and Fearless: Wake up every day ready to live your adventure and never be afraid to follow your passion.
    • Become a Student: Pursue a life of learning. Dive into personal growth and learn about what matters to you.
    • Gratitude, Honesty, and Integrity: Express gratitude for what you have, speak the truth, live morally. 
    • Give Back: There are ALWAYS people who are less fortunate than you. Give back with your time, love, money, or skill set. When you give back, you have an abundance mindset.