We are a full disclosure company.
We want you to know exactly what's in your beauty products. We care about you, your lifestyle, and your health, and we've got nothing to hide! Here's everything you need to know about what's in (and not in) BaeBlu products.
How We Define 100% Natural, Synthetic, and Artificial
A natural formula is derived of plant, mineral, marine vegetation, clay, or waxes. These may undergo simple chemical processes from natural extraction, distillation, pressing, etc.
To put it simply, artificial is anything that is made by man rather than Mother Nature. Plastics are considered artificial.
Synthetic ingredients are made in a lab, but are identical compounds to those found in nature. Think of a lab-created diamond vs. a mined diamond.
Our 100% natural formulas contain both natural and synthetic ingredients. They do not ever contain artificial ingredients.
What Ingredients Do We Use?
- BaeBlu products contain organic (including USDA organic), wild-crafted, fair trade ingredients.
- Each one of our products has its own list of ingredients on its product page.
- We include steam-distilled botanical extracts and exotic ingredients with therapeutic benefits.
- Our formulas are boosted with anti-aging ingredients offering quality results in clean, green formulas.
- We love our Earth, and our animal friends. Our products are never tested on animals.
- Allergies or ethics? We offer vegan, gluten free, and preservative free makeup. Shop our collections: Vegan, Gluten-Free, Preservative Free
Do We Have Products With Preservatives?
Yes, a few. While the majority of our makeup does not contain any synthetic preservatives, we do have a few items that contain less than 1% of synthetic ingredients. You can learn more about these ingredients by checking out our blog post.
Are Any of Our Products Not Organic?
Yes. Currently our Affirmation Nail Polish, pencils, bronzers, and Supersoak Serum are not made with primarily organic ingredients and/or do not contain organic ingredients.
Do Any of Our Products Contain Silicone?
No, none of our products contain silicone.
Are Any of Our Products Not Vegan?
Yes. These products contain beeswax and are therefore considered vegetarian.
What Are Our Banned Makeup Ingredients?
Artificial Dyes
Artificial dyes are labeled as FD&C or D&C, followed by a color and a number. Artificial dyes have been linked to hyperactivity, cancer, migraines, and anxiety. Our Affirmation Polish contains FD&C colors because it is a nail product and not being applied directly to the skin.
Artificial Fragrances
To protect trade secrets, manufacturers are allowed to use the term "fragrance," which is a blanket ingredient that can include thousands of different chemicals. This allows them to hide harmful synthetic chemicals in their products. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found many toxic chemicals, like phthalates, in fragrances. Phthalates are hormone disrupters, negatively affect the thyroid, reduce sperm count in men, and are linked to birth defects.
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used to preserve foods with oils as well as cosmetics. It is also found in jet fuels, rubber, petroleum products, and embalming fluid. Studies have found that it increases liver weight and has toxic effects on lung tissue.
Formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers are common in many beauty products and are labeled by the FDA as carcinogenic. Research has found that cosmetic products release formaldehyde into the air after applied. Formaldehyde is most dangerous when inhaled. Though these levels are very low, they increase our exposure we are already subject to from car exhaust, gas burning stoves, and kerosene burners.
Mineral Oil, Propylene Glycol, & Petroleum
Mineral oil and propylene glycol are derived from petroleum. Mineral oil is a by-product of the distillation of petroleum to produce gasoline. Mineral oil is used in skincare products to prevent moisture loss from skin by creating a film on top of the skin. Because of this, it is comedogenic, meaning it will clog pores and trap bacteria on the skin. It also adds no nutrients to the skin, whereas plant extracts and natural oils provide antioxidants and fatty acids that heal, hydrate, and firm.
Parabens may come in the forms of butylparaben, ethylparaben, isobutylparaben, methylparaben, or propylparaben. They are used as inexpensive preservatives. Parabens are phytoestrogens, producing a weak estrogenic effect on the body. Their metabolites have been linked to breast cancer.
In the past few years, researchers have linked phthalates to asthma, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, breast cancer, obesity, and type II diabetes, low IQ, neurodevelopment issues, behavioral issues, autism spectrum disorders, altered reproductive development, and male fertility issues.
Sulfates are used in products as foaming agents. The most common sulfate is sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS. These foaming agents can strip essential oils and excessively dry out the skin, causing flaking, peeling, and irritation. Sulfites can be found in hair care products and some self tanning products. Sulfates may cause itchy skin, rashes, and hives in sensitive individuals.
Talc contains asbestos and has been linked to ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. There are many grades of talc, and those found in beauty products are said to contain "cosmetic grade" talc that is supposed to be free of asbestos, though contamination is possible.
Triclosan is fat soluble and can build up in the body over time. It is used as an anti-bacterial in soaps, shampoos, toothpastes, and washes. Triclosan is linked to liver and inhalation toxicity. Even low levels of triclosan may disrupt thyroid function. Triclosan and other antibacterial ingredients may encourage bacterial resistance to antibiotics.