Five Tips To “Stay Home” Without Going Insane
April 11 2020

Five Tips To “Stay Home” Without Going Insane
No matter who you are, your life has been affected by COVID-19. Whether you are working remotely or still reporting to work (after a temperature check). Going to the grocery store or getting groceries delivered. It has all changed so much. You’re probably wearing a mask out in public and washing your hands more than ever. A month ago, most people in the U.S. hadn’t even heard of COVID-19, let alone had concerns over whether or not themselves or their loved ones would contract it. Now most of us are under a “stay at home” order. Staying at home doing nothing sounded appealing for a few days, but now what??
Think about your last vacation. At the end of your week at the beach, you were thinking about how you had a fabulous time, but you were ready to get back home. Right? Because humans thrive on routine. Routine makes you feel more relaxed because your mind knows what to expect.
All of our routines have changed, however simple they were. Going to the gym, your weekly girls’ night out, a trip to the nail salon, dropping the kids off at school... All of that has been canceled.
Even though our daily lives have changed, we can still keep some kind of routine in place. Here are a few examples:
Keep Your Sleep Schedule
Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones, but my internal clock still has me going to sleep and waking up on a similar schedule as before. Some of us can struggle with this, especially when binging on that new Netflix series “Tiger King” is keeping you watching until all hours of the night. So how do we maintain a solid sleep schedule?
- As terrible as it sounds - set an alarm. Our bodies work best when we follow our circadian rhythm, so keep the time you go to bed and the time you wake up within around an hour
- Turn electronics off two hours before bed. The blue light will keep your brain awake and make it harder to fall asleep
- If you absolutely must indulge in screen time (we’re all human), use blue light blocking glasses. We like the ones by Felix Gray because they aren’t a dark orange color
Life isn’t going to be like this forever, and once we start trying to get back to normal, it will be that much easier if you don’t have to change your sleep schedule.
Get Yourself Ready!
When you wake up in the morning, get somewhat ready. Sure, my pajamas are comfortable, but I find if I stay in them all day, I feel pretty depressed by 3pm.
- Brush your teeth and wash your face with a refreshing botanical cleanser
- Get dressed. Putting on clothes may just flip that switch in your brain: It's time to be productive!
- If you usually wear makeup, maybe you don’t do your full face if you’re going to be at home, but you could always add a little tinted moisturizer especially if you have a conference call.
Pamper Yourself
So, you aren’t able to go to the salon to get your hair and nails done. That doesn’t mean you have to stop doing the things that make you feel good.
- Set aside some time for yourself and do a leave-in conditioning treatment
- Paint your nails at home, or order glue-on nails from Amazon
- Take a Goddess Bath. Use Epsom Salt, essential oils, dried flowers, cut up fruit, or any combination of the above. Check out this blog for a DIY detox bath recipe!
Give Yourself Breaks Between Work (if working from home)
- Walk
- Read for 10 minutes
- Mindfully eat a snack. How? Be present. Smell, texture, taste. Etc.
- Get some sunlight
Keep Yourself Fit
Set a time in your phone to work out and stick to it. Maybe you can’t go to the gym, but you can still go outside. If the weather doesn’t allow that, there are so many free videos online you can try! If you are in the middle of binging on Netflix and that time comes, turn it off and get up! You will thank me later. Once it becomes part of your routine, your body will crave it and you will want to do it.
- Use gallon jugs of water for weights
- 10 minute sessions a few times a day
- A favorite Podcast for one of our cofounders is Mindpump. You can try their MAPS Anywhere program, or browse Youtube for free videos
We want all of our #baeblubabes to have a healthy mind and body. Go for a walk, drink some water, video chat with friends or family. Take care of yourself as best you can.
Remember, if you run out of your favorite makeup, BaeBlu is here for you! We are still filling online orders and shipping them as quickly as possible. Shop now!