Why You Should Only Buy Cruelty-Free Products
September 13 2018

Huh? Cruelty-Free What?
We live in the day of the internet. Like all things, the internet comes with pros and cons. For example, we can pretty much get our hands on ANY and ALL kinds of information. Unfortunately though, some of that information is misleading. When individuals or companies publish or write articles on the internet, they do not have to back up the things they say. When it comes to the beauty industry, it is very easy for companies to make claims regarding their products. They can claim their product is "cruelty-free" without any participation in animal rights groups.
Thankfully, that is where the "Leaping Bunny" came in. In their words, "eight national animal protection groups banded together to form the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC). The CCIC promotes a single comprehensive standard and an internationally recognized Leaping Bunny Logo. "We work with companies to help make shopping for animal-friendly products easier and more trustworthy."
The Leaping Bunny Standard
In order to be part of the Leaping Bunny program, one is required to meet specific criteria. In a nutshell, a company must not be part of any kind of animal testing whatsoever. This includes ensuring that ingredients sourced for products are not part of any kind of animal testing, recommitting each year, and submit to an independent audit by the CCIC with an accredited auditing firm. If you'd like to read their full list of criteria you can find it by clicking here.
Why BaeBlu Is CF
It only takes one video from PETA to convince us that animal testing is not something we want to be part of. Videos like this show us the hard truth about what animal research looks like. No thanks. We understand that some people feel that animal testing is necessary, specifically when it pertains to drug testing for human consumption. But we can not get behind animal testing on chemicals used in cosmetics. Torturing animals to make beauty products safe is *bleeping* ridiculous.
Why You Should Only Buy CF Products
If you know a company uses ingredients tested on animals and you stop buying from that company, they probably won't notice. If you and a million other people all decide to only buy CF products, that company will notice, and will notice FAST. Sadly, very few things in our society today are more powerful than the dollar. Nothing speaks louder to a company than their bottom line diminishing. You can be part of the change. You can commit to going cruelty-free.
"The way to change the world is through individual responsibility and taking local action in your own community."
-Jeff Bridges