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5 Small Ways To A More Productive Year

January 11 2023

5 Small Ways To A More Productive Year
5 Small Ways To A More Productive Year

New Year New Me? Right? Of course. But how do we keep the same fire that we feel on January first and continue to build momentum? Here are five simple things you can do to to keep the excitement going. This leads to more energy, more confidence, and the ability to ultimately start achieving more. 

1) KISS (Keep It Super Simple)

Most of us overestimate what we can do in one year, but we underestimate what we can do in three years. The purpose of KISS is to start start small and create daily wins that build us up and become part of our lives. When you start with something simple and win at it daily, your confidence grows and your excitement continues. 

Example Goals and KISS Implemented:

Wake up earlier. How? Shoot for waking up 10-15 minutes earlier than you currently are. If you normally rise at 7, set your alarm for 6:45 every day for the week. Once your body adjusts, set your alarm an additional 10-15 minutes earlier for the following week.

2) Plan The Night Before

The best way to start the day off right is to wake up (earlier) and wake up knowing you're already ahead. If you start your day feeling behind you can often carry that frazzled energy into the rest of your day. Instead, KISS. 

Example Goals and KISS Implemented:

Have things ready to go. How? Set the coffee pot. Fill up your water bottle the night before. Pack your lunch into tupperware. Set out your outfit. That's it. Not only are you already prepared for the day, but you also aren't wasting precious decision making for the beginning of your day before your brain is fully on fire. How often do we have no clue what we're going to wear for the day and then waste precious energy and time trying on different outfits, frequently leaving us in a rush to get out the door and not completely satisfied in our appearance? Get it done before hand and you can focus on more important things to set your day off right.

3) Set Your Day Off Right

The way to be more productive is to start your day with a clear plan. You've already decided to wake up earlier and you've taken the stress out of your morning by preparing the night before. Now it is time to take this fifteen minutes to get into the best mental space to take on the day. This can look different for everyone, but here are some ideas on how to proceed.

Example Goals and KISS Implemented:

Sit down with your coffee or tea and pick the top three things you need to accomplish for the day. This is the time for YOU - no distractions, no ifs, ands, or buts. For some of us, a simple visualization is enough. Others may prefer to have a planner or a journal and write down their top three things (any check listers raising their hands? I know I'm not the only one!) Either way, this is YOUR time to decide how your day is going to unfold and pick the top three things that you need to accomplish.

4) Set a Time to Be Distracted

What? Usually everyone says to set a time where we aren't distracted. But how often does that truly work? We often go with that intention, but then that little voice in our brain starts to yammer about how we've been focusing too long or we need a break, or we need more coffee, or we need to pee, or we need to plan that vacation that is next year just because the task at hand is so boring and now I'm off track. No. Let's get real and re-wire.

Example Goals and KISS Implemented:

It's easier to focus on the distraction time as the reward for staying focused. This can look different for everyone depending on your job and your current ability to stay on task. If you're someone that easily gets off track, perhaps you start with 5 minutes every hour. Set your timer for 55 minutes and turn off your notifications. When that timer goes off, you immediately stop what you're doing and give yourself the reward of distraction. Again you're rewiring your brain. You've already set up the reward. We're motivated by the rewards we reap. Focus. Reward. Repeat.

4) Set a Time to Be Distracted

What? Usually everyone says to set a time where we aren't distracted. But how often does that truly work? We often go with that intention, but then that little voice in our brain starts to yammer about how we've been focusing too long or we need a break, or we need more coffee, or we need to pee, or we need to plan that vacation that is next year just because the task at hand is so boring and now I'm off track. No. Let's get real and re-wire.

Example Goals and KISS Implemented:

It's easier to focus on the distraction time as the reward for staying focused. This can look different for everyone depending on your job and your current ability to stay on task. If you're someone that easily gets off track, perhaps you start with 5 minutes every hour. Set your timer for 55 minutes and turn off your notifications. When that timer goes off, you immediately stop what you're doing and give yourself the reward of distraction. Again you're rewiring your brain. You've already set up the reward. We're motivated by the rewards we reap. Focus. Reward. Repeat.

5) Self Care Daily

I'm a mom of an eight month old and also a business owner. I spent so many of my early days in motherhood doing everything for my baby, house, and then business when I got the chance. I didn't make ANY time for me and it really started to take its toll on my mental health. I had to do something different. You're just as busy. We all are. It's easy to put ourselves off or last.

You are the asset in your life. How do you treat an asset? You invest in it so it continues to grow and benefit your life. Invest a little bit of time into your self each day so that you FEEL good - physically and mentally. Let's look at a simple way we can focus on some feel good physical self care. 

Example Goals and KISS Implemented:

Here is a quick example of my morning self-care routine. I consider getting caffeine into my system part of my self care, HA! It takes less than 5 minutes because I multi-task it.

  • 1 minute - take off my eye gummies and wash them
  • 10 seconds - spray toner all over my face to wake my skin up. I like BaeBlu's toner and also this one
  • 2 minutes - walk to the espresso machine while the toner is drying and get the  beans ground and the coffee made
  • 30 seconds - apply Supersoak Serum all over my face and neck
  • 2 minutes - brush my teeth while the serum is soaking in
  • 30 seconds - apply my moisturizer

That's it! I get my skin feeling and looking good and then I'm ready to drink my coffee. It sounds SO STUPID SIMPLE, but it helps me feel better because I've just woken up and already done something for myself. The dog can wait, the cats can wait, and the baby can chill. Everything can wait for five minutes because I AM the asset. 

Maybe you already have your morning routine but skip the makeup because you feel like that will take too much time. Well girl, (or guy!), I've also got you covered there. Here is a simple makeup routine for a FULL face and literally in less than five minutes. So in just ten total minutes you can be ready to SLAY the day with your skin care, caffeine, and makeup.




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