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Maggie's Place

January 21 2019

Maggie's Place
Maggie's Place

Why Maggie's Place

BaeBlu is a 100% female owned company. We are passionate about all women and helping others in need. When it came to picking a charity for 2018, we decided to go with Maggie's Place.

"Founded in 2000, Maggie’s Place provides life-changing programs and services for pregnant and parenting women and their children by offering a warm and welcoming community, a safe place to live and learn, and on-going services to help them become self-sufficient."

 We learned that many of these women have been put out of their homes due to their pregnancy, or due to abuse, or lack of family support. I personally have yet to experience motherhood, but I know that the early days of pregnancy are often a time when you're excited and nervous. I can only imagine how that excitement may turn to fear if I didn't have the support of anyone else around me, and also found myself homeless.

Thankfully Maggie's place provides a safe haven for these often young women. We learned that these future mothers not only received food and shelter, but opportunities to learn skills to help them get jobs, and access to therapies to help nurture their emotional, psychological and physical wellbeing.  

Residents are welcomed into a house – inhabited by a community of staff and fellow mothers that work together to achieve their goals of independence and stability. Maggie’s Place services address all the needs of a homeless mother.

How BaeBlu Helped

We ran a special on our website from September until December 20th. We knew that these would be our biggest months of growth and ultimately provide us with an opportunity to make the most impact. Our special enabled us to give Maggie's Place some much-needed money to buy supplies, while our team rallied together to clean out our closets and donate two full HUGE boxes of clothes, purses, shoes, and winter attire.

Dropping off the items brought so much fulfillment to our hearts because we were able to see how grateful the house mom was for these donations. Her gratitude was such a gift- as we realized that our gift would really make an impact. We were invited back to help babysit, chat, or simply be present for the mothers. We thought it would be a great idea to get some makeup together and have a makeup party, and we plan to do that in the next few months. 

Giving Is What We Do

When we started BaeBlu we knew that giving back was going to be one of our core values. As a baby company, we could absolutely spend the money elsewhere to help our business grow faster. We decided that that wasn't as important to us as setting a standard to share in our growth from the get-go. We're excited to see what 2019 brings, and how we're able to contribute to our next charity: Project Aware


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