Stay fit and active from home
April 28 2020

No gym? No problem!
Are you missing your time at the gym? We know, it may be hard to get motivated stuck at your house with no elliptical in sight. Don’t get out of the habit, you can still stay active and keep fit from home! Grab your water and a mat, then crank up some music to get you going! Here’s a routine you can do in about 20 minutes in the backyard (or in your living room).
Warm up:
2 minutes light jog - option to jog in place if you’re unable to go outside.
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds high knees
30 crunches
30 push ups
30 star jumps
1 minute plank
20 walking lunges – extra challenge if you carry gallon jugs of water
20 tricep dips (using a chair)
Repeat 3x with 1 min rest between sets
*Remember: always stretch before and after a workout*
Maybe you like the feeling of having a workout buddy. In that case, Youtube has several options for free workout videos, here are a few of our favorites!
Total body workout – this workout from Popsugar Fitness is 30 minutes long and we promise you’ll be feeling the burn.
Yoga – something great about Yoga with Adriene is the versatility! She has different routines depending on what you’re looking for (beginner, weight loss, calm, etc), but they are also categorized by length of time. Only have 5-10 minutes? She’s got you covered.
Barre workout – Sculpt, stretch and sweat with this barre workout, no equipment needed! With almost 3.5 million views, this workout is definitely popular.
We hope that one of the above workouts will strike your fancy. If not, let us know what kind of workout you prefer! Stay safe and healthy out there, Babes!