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Our Favorite Vegan Lattes
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Homemade Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL)
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April 21 2017 – BaeBlu Team
Easily the Best Guacamole You'll Ever Make
Let's get right down to it! Avocado is amazing for you. It is full of fat, protein and fiber, as well as a multitude of micronutrients including pantothenic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and others. That is why eating guacamole is going to save your life! Ok, it won't save your life but it will definitely save your tastebuds. It is important...
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April 20 2017 – BaeBlu Team
Strawberry Lemonade with Cayenne and Chia Seeds
Who LOVES lemonade? WE DO! Long ago, you could find little kids with a cute lemonade stand selling lemonade for 25 cents. Now, lemonade and other "juices" are sold in health food stores and range in $6 to $8+ bucks. Nooo thank you, I'd rather make my own for about 25 cents. Ok, it may be more than 25 cents...
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November 28 2016 – BaeBlu Team
Best Natural Holiday Eggnog (Vegan Options)
It's that time of year again. Mmm. The lovely fall colors, the crisp air, and the incredible holiday treats. We absolutely love all the delectable seasonal delights that come during the fall and winter holidays, but so many store-bought versions are highly processed and filled with a ton of chemicals. Our motto is the more natural the better. This last weekend...
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